When you are involved in nursing, one of the jobs you often have is that of educator. Helping others learn more about health and wellness, as well as providing solid information for those who need it, are vital roles played by nurses. And, of course, there are nurses that teach other nurses. Whether you get an advanced nursing degree, or whether you are a registered nurse teaching children proper health habits, you can have a huge impact on others. If you are interested in learning more about what a nurse can do to benefit the education of others, here are 40 nurse educators worth following on Twitter:
Registered Nurses
These RNs share insights, tips and sometimes sassy observations on life. Great resources for those looking to learn more about educating others.
- @nursingpins: This critical nurse is a student of nursing history and shares the knowledge. Plenty of educational and interesting tweets to be read.
- @RNchat: A great place for nurses to connect, share and educate. A place to go when you want to get to know other nurses, and share your own knowledge. Use this hashtag: #RNchat
- @EllenRichter: A legal nurse consultant that can educate you on the legal issues related to nursing, care and more.
- @SKHC: School Kids Health Care offers nurse supplies, education and more related to children in school. A great group of nurse educators and health care professionals.
- @disruptivewomen: This diverse group of women in health care — including nurse educators — address issues related to the health care industry, policy and more.
- @Visiting_Nurse: Entrepreneur nurse who is contemplating becoming a NP. Great information and interesting tweets about health and education.
- @wnursing: Writes a great column about nursing and health care, and is interested in nurses and social media.
- @MamaHenRN: Great nurse with technological savvy. Plenty of interesing — and enlightening — stories and tweets.
- @mynursecoach: Great RN offering education on health care, nursing and more. Prolific blogger and traveler.
- @seejanenurse: Offers insight into nursing, and education for those interested in health, wellness and a sassy view of life.
- @NurseEducator: Interested in helping nurses become the best they can. Focuses on web education, and on integrating technology into nursing.
- @MarkInfoRN: Informatics nurse educating nurses about technology and social media. Plenty of great insights related to nursing, technology and the future of health care.
Nurses with Advanced Degrees
These nurse educators have masters degrees and PhDs. They provide helpful hints to others, and may even teach other nurses.
- @JSMillerRN: This nurse has a masters in nursing and specializes in online nursing education.
- @unDru: Offers useful information about education, nursing and health. Based in the Philippines, and offers an interesting perspective.
- @lorryschoenly: This nurse educator and writer has a PhD — and plenty of spark. Wry observations and plenty of clearly written ideas and education.
- @Ashleigh_RN: Oncology nurse educator with a masters in nursing. Interested in lifelong learning and technology. Focuses on helping nurses use technology to improve their care.
- @Christina1973: This MSN student is interested and clinical informatics and shares plenty of interesting information.
- @NurseJesseK: Newbie nurse has a PhD in nursing, and plenty of great insights. Tweets are protected, so you will have to request permission to follow.
- @DonnaPetko: Working on her MSN, and hoping to be a FNP. This nurse is interested in nursing research and in education. A great Twitter to feed to follow.
- @LegalERNurse: A legal nurse consultant. Plenty of education on nurse legal issues, helpful hints, and more.
- @SarahStewart: This midwife isn’t exactly a nurse, but she does have health care experience. She is an educator working on her EdD, and is very interested in the role the Internet can play in education.
Nurse Practitioners
Many nurse practitioners are also great nurse educators. Follow these great NPs on Twitter.
- @onlinenursing: This NP educates others about how nursing can actually change health care.
- @bthenextstep: This ACNP student is also a certified personal trainer, and a registered nurse. Find out more about health and fitness as this Sean educates you and others.
- @Nerdnurse: A college dean, this DNP is all about educating others about nursing. Very interested in online education, technology and empowerment. Helps nurses become more educated, and represents nurses to the public.
- @NurseSallie: Pediatric NP offering education in parent-child relationships. Learns plenty of new things even as she teaches. Lifelong learner.
- @StephenNP: Nurse educator especially interested in men’s health. Plenty of helpful information and interesting tweets.
- @MattFNP: On the verge of graduating as a nurse practitioner. Educational tweets about health, and more.
- @NurseBarbDehn: This nurse educator and NP is a TV health expert. She educates people through media about various health issues.
- @ADVANCEforNPs: Nurse practitioners provide helpful advice, interesting educational insights, and links to the latest peer reviewed articles. Plenty of interesting information.
- @RoRod101: This nursing educator is a RN and NP. She educates others on health, nursing and being the best you can be. Inspiring tweets.
Nursing Schools and Career
Check out these nursing educators in the form of schools for nurses. Also, you can follow some of these Twitter accounts to get educated about career prospects and job openings.
- @JHUNursing: The Johns Hopkins School of Nursing offers informative tweets.
- @VanderbiltNurse: A great Twitter feed from the School of Nursing at Vanderbilt University.
- @UMW_Nursing: Follow this nursing school in Wisconsin. Plenty of advanced degrees and good information.
- @NYUNursing: Great information, career help, and education for nurses from the College of Nursing at NYU.
- @NavigateNursing: Learn more about improving your career as you create a healthier work environment. A great resource.
- @NursingCenter: This MSN helps nurses be better. A great nurse educator helping the public and fellow nurses.
- @AgencyNurse_RN: Tips, freebies and more. Can help you learn more about being an expert RN.
- @NursingForum: Education nurses about their career options, and helping them learn more about providing better health care.
- @nursesonthenet: Networking for nurses. Education opportunities. Nurse educators helping other nurses excel at what they do.
- @ClinicalAdvisor: Education and career help for nurse practitioners. Insights into the nursing job market, as well as job openings for nurse educators.
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